1- Call 203-973-7262
2- Email aoc.secretary@gmail.com
3- Book Yourself using the schedule below
Description of privates, and duets and trios

Private lessons - Provide personal attention, customizing the workout specifically to your needs using the Classical Pilates method. Assuring that you are keeping your body in alignment

Duets and Trios - Workout for 2 individuals or 3 who are at the same level of ability.
New Client Special
3 sessions for $259
Private Sessions
Private w/ Junior Apprentice: $50
4 Package Private w/ Junior Apprentice: $190
Private w/ Senior Apprentice: $70
4 Package Private w/ Senior Apprentice: $265
Private w/ Instructor: $90
4 Package Private w/ Instructor: $340
8 Package Private w/ Instructor: $648
Private w/ Senior Instructor: $150
4 Package Private w/ Instructor: $580
8 Package Private w/ Instructor: $1080
Private w/ Simona: $150
4 Package Private w/ Simona: $580
8 Package Private w/ Simona: $1080