Simona Cipriani's long-awaited Pilates Book has arrived!
The Art and Science of Contrology
Traditional Pilates - Mat & Small Apparatus
Pre-Pilates & Beginner Levels

The Art and Science of Contrology Traditional Pilates book is a user-friendly text designed for clients and teachers of the Pre-Pilates and Beginner levels, demonstrating Mat and Small Apparatus exercises that can be easily performed at home.
• Full-color photographs with easy to follow, step-by-step instructions clearly demonstrate how to perform each of the 40 Mat and Small Apparatus exercises
• Modifications for each and every exercise present you with alternative options
• Clear transitions create a choreographed flow of exercise workout
• A comprehensive chapter on the philosophy of Joseph Pilates grounds your understanding of the fundamentals of the Method
• In-depth coverage of the basics of Anatomy, Physiology, and Biomechanics gives you a solid foundation of the science of Contrology Pilates
• Exploration of 20 common pathologic conditions allows you to modify the exercises for yourself and your clients
Simona Cipriani directs a Traditional Pilates studio, The Art of Control®, located in Stamford, CT. She is a Certified Instructor of the Contrology Pilates Method for more than 25 years Ms. Cipriani studied extensively with Romana Kryzanowska at Drago’s Gym in New York City, where she taught by Romana’s side for many years. Ms. Cipriani is also a licensed Massage Therapist, participating in the massage therapy team at the Athens and Torino Olympic Games, as well as a Feldenkrais Practitioner. She directs her own international certification program, Art and Science of Contrology: Pilates Instructor Training Program, combining her knowledge of manual and movement therapies with science, for an integrated hands-on approach to deepen the instruction of Contrology technique. Her Pre-Pilates and Basic DVD series was awarded “Best DVD series” in 2015 from Pilates Style Magazine.